Domino’s Free Pizza for a Year Contest

Unique Entry

Domino’s Free Pizza for a Year Contest: Click here or on the photo for entry page

dominosfree 1024x372 - Domino's Free Pizza for a Year Contest

Timing: ends as soon as the live release in the Quikly campaign, which shall be no later than October 28th, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. ET but could end sooner.

Eligibility: The Promotion is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry and have a valid email address.

How to Enter: Find in Rules HERE

Prizes and Notification:
Respond to the go-live notification as fast as you can. Here are the prizes being offered by order of the fastest people:
-Fastest person: Five $100 Domino’s e-gift cards
-2nd fastest person: $100 Domino’s e-gift card
-3rd fastest person: $50 Domino’s e-gift card
-4th fastest to 2,003rd fastest person: $5 Domino’s promotional e-gift code
-2,004th to 5,003rd fastest person: $4 Domino’s promotional e-gift code


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